Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Under the Weather

It was 'Under the Weather' day at our house today.  Ava has inherited a rather nasty cough and I seem to have picked it up too.  Fortunately we were both able to spend most of the day at home and despite us both feeling pretty ordinary (Ava spent some of the morning lying down on the couch), we had a good day.  Ava did some art with Maisy (her favourite mouse) and a new book arrived in the mail, which always brightens the day!

I made chicken soup to soothe the cold.  I tried making it in the slow cooker, which I haven't done before, and it worked quite well.  No-knead bread (again) with rye flour this time and it was really tasty with our soup for dinner.

Hopefully we will feel better tomorrow and the wild weather (it's blowing a gale and thundery outside!) will pass.

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