Tuesday, 27 September 2011

In the Garden

We have really been enjoying the sunny Spring weather here and taking the opportunity to spend more time outdoors.  The planting season is certainly upon us and we have been busy planting out the last of our heirloom apples from here.

Our veggie garden is also really starting to flourish and we have been planting lots of heirloom beans, corn, tomatoes, peas, carrots, radishes and lettuce seeds from here. We have found their seed really suits our climate and we have good success with our seed germination rate.

The broad beans, ruby chard and brussel sprouts are certainly coming along nicely and the flowers that we have planted as companions to deter bugs, are really adding some colour to garden.

The chooks were out scratching around for a tasty treat and Neddie looked on as we were planting.  As always there's washing hung out on the clothes line and things are definitely drying fast with the Spring Equinox winds!

Ava was very helpful with the planting, although she was pretty excited about making a 'snow angel' in the dirt!

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