Thursday, 15 September 2011

Roger's Return

A few months ago, some very kind friends of ours offered to lend us their Dorper ram to breed with our girls.  We graciously accepted their offer and transported Roger (the ram) from their farm, to ours.

Earlier this year, we decided to add to our menagerie with some Dorper ewe's that were advertised in the local paper.  We had read many articles about sheep and were keen to go for a breed that is easy to maintain (no shearing!) and good for meat production.  Dorpers certainly fitted the bill and Phil arrived home one day with a flock of ewe's in the back of the stock trailer as a surprise!  Since then, we have watched them grow, fed them and they have developed into placid, friendly girls compared to the wild (and woolly!!) sheep they were when they first arrived.

As we plan to build up our numbers and breed lambs for our own meat consumption, we needed a ram and our generous friends came to the rescue with a loan of Roger!

Roger has a beautiful nature - gentle, kind and a real gentleman with our girls.  He has spent a few months on the farm and last weekend it was time to return him to his rightful owners. I was a little sad to say goodbye to Roger, but hopefully we will see some of his offspring in the not too distant future!

He seemed quite happy back on 'his' paddock and I'm sure he isn't missing us at all, with 10 new ewe's for company!

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