Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Homemade Pasta

A little while ago, we decided to give pasta making a go.  Our plan was to make all our pasta for a year!  We have managed this, with only a couple of exceptions.  

Making pasta is so much easier than I initially thought.  I had memories of cooking classes at school where failed attempts resulted in a gluey, floury mess with the end product resembling play dough rather than anything edible!

I had a pasta machine that was given to me years ago for Christmas.  It was sitting at the back of the cupboard and had barely been used.  So we dusted it off and started making pasta!

We are lucky to have a good supply of eggs from our chooks as well as a fantastic Kitchen Aid mixer that makes the job quick and easy.  It's as simple as 4 eggs and 400 grams of plain flour (I use the Tipo 00 pasta flour, but normal flour works just as well) into the mixing bowl.  

Mix the eggs and flour until combined.  If it's too dry add very small amounts (a teaspoon at a time!) of water, or more flour (again little by little) if it's too wet.

Then knead (I use the dough hook attachment or you can do this by hand) until smooth and silky - about 5 minutes.

Divide into workable portions and start rolling!

Set the pasta machine at the thickest setting and gradually work through until it reaches your desired thickness - I usually go to 6 on our dial.  You may need to dust with flour along the way!  You can also roll out using a rolling pin if you don't have a machine.

Then cut the sheets into your preferred pasta shape.  You can use a knife or the pasta machine cutter.  We like the tagliatelle cutter and use this most of the time.

We then use our clothes horse to hang the pasta until it's ready to cook.  

Voila - the best tasting pasta I've eaten!

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