Thursday, 17 November 2011

Rainy Day

I had planned to write yesterday afternoon, but a brief stint in hospital put and end to that! Anyway, I thought I'd share the rainy morning activities from yesterday, as it started out with such promise and up until lunchtime it was a great day.
The barometer said rain - again!
 This book arrived in the mail to cheer up the day!  I love these books
 Lots of lovely projects to inspire me.
 Pickled Onions are Phil's favourite.  He made them from a recipe in this book.
 Ava was very content to play inside - carefully setting up her toys....
 for a train ride - All Aboard Ava's Express!!
 I started a new knitting project, inspired by this blog.  I'm learning how to use circular needles.  We will see how it goes!
 My favourite flowers on the table, filling the house with their gorgeous perfume.  A reminder that Spring really is here, despite all the rain!
 Our flock happily grazing in the paddock, completely oblivious to the downpour.


  1. gorgeous photos.
    I recently just got turned on to pickled onions- and pickled anything, really. Might have to check out that recipe.
    and I love that photo of the "train express." Adorable!

  2. I hope you and yours are ok, gorgeous photo's and i'm working myself up to using circular needles... one day!
