Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Over the Weekend

It has been a long weekend where we are for the Melbourne Cup.  We decided to take advantage of the extra few days and head off on a trip to the Snowy River.  It was a great  day and a fantastic opportunity to spend time together as a family.  We didn't really plan too much, but just set off with our picnic lunch and some warm clothes for the day.  
We have had lots happening on the farm lately, with new lambs, hatching chickens and endless lawns to mow. So, it was nice to take a break and remind ourselves of how beautiful the countryside near us really is.  
Here are some photo's of the day - it really was a memorable one.
Ava at the falls
On the walk
One of our favourite flowers in bloom - Billy Buttons
A jackie dragon sunning himself
Crossing McKillops Bridge
The gorge lookout
Piggy backs on the track!
Skimming stones on the river
Beautiful waterfall

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