Monday, 28 November 2011

Over the Weekend

We had a great weekend with the lead up being a frenzy of preserving the garden's harvest. Phil was away at a fly fishing clinic on Saturday and Sunday, whilst Ava and I caught up with family and friends in Melbourne - including a trip to the (very busy) Museum on Sunday.

 Phil learnt some serious fly fishing skills to help him land this 6 pound Brown Trout which was catch and release in a sustainable fishery.  He looks so happy!
 Ava was very busy mothering her 'babies' and dressing them in new outfits!
 Ava and I picked these flowers from the garden - spring is here.
 We also made Granola from these ingredients................. 
 and it turned into this.
 We picked more berries from the garden - we are at risk of being completely over run by the berries in the garden!
and we made more of this lemon cordial
from these ingredients.  I'll post a tutorial on how to make this cordial later in the week.

Hope you had a great weekend too!

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