Monday, 21 November 2011

Over the Weekend

It was another stormy weekend with lots of rain - again. 
But on the upside, our water tanks are full now! 
So after our traditional Sunday pancake breakfast.... 
We found some indoor activities to do, mostly preserving our berries.  The canes are dripping with so much fruit it's a little out of control!  We picked strawberries, loganberries and silvan berries.

Ava taste tested them all - some were a little sour! 
Then we made jam together.....

Strawberry with Rose Geranium as well as a mixture of Silvan berry and Loganberry.  
Ava is 'Mummy's Little Helper' in the kitchen!
They look delicious!  
Once we finished in the kitchen, the rain stopped for long enough to give Phil time to knock up a chook ladder for our little Plymouth Rock Chickens so they can reach the perch in their new home.
I hope you had a good weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. My strawberry plants are pathetic and barren! (Mostly). That jam looks amazing. No fair!
