Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Lemon Cordial Tutorial

It's been quite a while since we last bought cordial from the supermarket - at least 2 years I'd say.  Once we found this recipe for homemade lemon cordial, there was no going back!  Aside from the fact that this tastes so much better than the bought stuff, you know exactly what's going into it - no artificial colours, flavours or weird numbered additives.
Over time, I've adjusted the amount of sugar in this recipe - there is quite a strong sugar syrup as the basis for this cordial - but you use so little and dilute it with water, so it's not so bad really!  It contains far less sugar when compared to the supermarket stuff.
This is a staple in our house.  Phil isn't a huge fan of drinking water without some kind of flavouring!  You can adapt this to include any kind of citrus fruit, but we like lemons the best.  
You will need:

  - 1400 grams of sugar
  - grated rind and juice of 8 lemons
  - 1100 mls boiling water
  - 1 tablespoon citric acid
Finely grate the rind of the lemons.
Then juice all 8 lemons.
Measure out the sugar into a large heatproof bowl.
Add the citric acid to the sugar.
Pour the boiling water over the sugar and citric acid mix.
Add the finely grated lemon rind.
Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Then pour in the lemon juice and stir again.
Cover the bowl and leave to stand overnight or for several hours.  The longer you leave it, the stronger the lemony tang!
The next morning, strain the mixture and pour into sterilised glass bottles.  Keep in a cool dark place. Once opened, keep it in the fridge.


1 comment:

  1. Oh!

    I'm excited to try this! I'll let you know how it worked out for me.
