Tuesday, 4 October 2011

soup and skirt day

I'm on holidays - YAY!!.  What a luxury it is to be at home!  I'm making the most of it and today I took a break from the Spring Cleaning for a spot of cooking and sewing.

I'm loving my new River Cottage Veg book and decided to give the lentil and spinach soup a test run.  I replaced the spinach with our homegrown silver beet.  It was delicious for lunch with some homemade bread.

Ava's little friends (who are sisters) were celebrating their 2nd and 4th birthdays with a mid week party.  I haven't had the chance to sew for a while so I took the opportunity to get out the machine and make each of the girls a skirt so they can be match matchy!

The sewing machine is now out on the table for the duration of my holidays and I intend to spend some creative time sewing up a storm!

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