Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Four Today!

Our girl turns four today!  It's hard to believe as time has flown by so quickly - it's true what they say - the early years pass so fast.  I'm feeling a mixture of emotions today.  Happiness - that our daughter is such a beautiful, caring and loving girl, but also I'm reflecting on the journey to this point, with all it's ups and downs.  Mostly, I'm wishing that this time could slow down a little.  It feels like yesterday, that Ava was this small....

And today, here she is, opening her presents on her fourth birthday!

She is so keen to take photo's, we bought Ava a camera of her own!

Happy Birthday to our beautiful Ava Lily xo

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Ava.
    We love you love Jasmine, Billy Lou and Haydn
