Thursday, 13 October 2011

A Day at Home.

Today, Ava was at kinder and Phil at work, so I had the house to myself for a little while which is rare.

As my holidays are drawing to a close, I want to make the most of these last few days and having only myself to please, I enjoyed some morning yoga, followed by picking flowers from the garden (which was quite an adventure today as there's a swooping magpie nesting near the house!)

Then, some sewing. I'm making a quilt for Ava for Christmas.  I've had this material cut into squares for a while and thought it's high time I got my act together and started sewing!  

I've also let the Spring Cleaning slide a little, so figured I'd better get back on track, and polished the dressing table and chest of drawers in our bedroom as well as clearing out lots of old clothes to take to the salvos.

It's been a good day at home.  We are in front of the fire now after watching the Gourmet Farmer, and waiting for part two of The Slap to start.

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