Wednesday, 21 March 2012

In the kitchen

These days have been spent busy in the kitchen.  Ava has really taken an interest in cooking lately and has been keen to help (and taste test!).  We made lasagne the other day and she did a great job layering the pasta, picking off fresh basil leaves and measuring out the ingredients.  Now when I'm in the kitchen without her (and she feels like it!), Ava pulls up her little stool to stand beside me, and will just begin to help, or watch with interest, what's happening in the kitchen.

I'm really glad for her new found interest as I love to cook and I hope that Ava can find the same enjoyment that good food brings in her life too. 
 We also picked our first apple from our Granny Smith apple tree that was planted two years ago.  It was an exciting moment!  The flavour was amazing - tangy and crisp - quite unlike anything we buy from the supermarket.
 Another baking activity in the kitchen!  We made this lovely wholemeal honey cake as a thank you gift for one of our good friends. It almost didn't leave the kitchen as it looked so good!

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