Thursday, 26 January 2012

This is the life - or is it?

It's been a while since my last post.  I seem to have lost my blogging mojo of late.  Perhaps it's due to the pace that summer harvest has reached in our garden.  That, combined with sewing last minute pirate costumes for birthday parties, and trips to Melbourne to see family.  I was thinking that perhaps the blog is all too much and I don't need to put any more pressure on myself to make sure I am posting regularly.  So we shall see.  I do like to write about our life on the farm and our journey towards the 'holy grail' of self-sufficiency.  I do enjoy being part of the blogging community and find inspiration in reading blogs written by others.  Perhaps I am a better reader than writer?  But when things are so busy here, sometimes the life we have chosen seems all too much - like when a sheep dies, or the garden looks more like a jungle than a productive veggie patch, when the chickens dig up our favourite strawberries and those gorgeous rosella's get more of our fruit harvest than we do.  This is when I find myself wondering, is it all too hard? Should we live closer to the city? Find a smaller block?  Not have the gut wrenching decisions that go with livestock welfare?  I'm still not sure, but for now, in these last few days, it's seemed a little easier, more relaxed and worth the effort.  So for your interest and viewing, here are some photo's of our garden haul today - and of course Ava in the pirate outfit!

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