Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Happy Wednesday !

Hello there,

Wednesdays are my regular day off and I love it.  It's like having a mini weekend in the middle of the week!  It's my day with Ava and I really look forward to it each week.  We usually do something special - craft, cooking, gardening, sometimes an outing or visiting little friends.

Today's weather prediction was for a grey and gloomy day, but instead - it was sunny and warm.  So, we decided to meet some little friends at our local park (Ava calls it her 'pink' park!) for a play and morning tea in the sunshine.  It was a great morning.

It did tire us both out though (especially as Ava thought that 5:30am was a reasonable time to wake this morning!!) and everyone was up for an afternoon rest, even Neddie! While Ava slept, I cooked dinner, mopped, folded washing, did dishes etc, but managed to find a few minutes to put my feet up, have a cup of tea and enjoy my brand new 'Frankie" magazine.  

I haven't bought Frankie before, but of the little material I have read, it's great.  Lots of articles about creative people - independent clothing designers, up cycled yarn creators, jam makers and cider brewers. I find all these subjects appealing and the kooky little phrases scattered throughout make for good humour too.  

The cider article was very timely as we have just planted 4 cider apple trees and ordered another 4 from Tasmania!  The plan is to learn how to brew our own cider - it's Phil's drink of choice!  The jam recipe looks lovely for summer preserving - apple, strawberry and vanilla - we will have to try it.  The magazine also has a page of labels for the jars of jam - too cute!

I have included some photo's (and a play dough session where Ava created a picture of herself!) from our day for you to enjoy too - Happy Wednesday!

Ava at the park

Ava at the park on the 'mushrooms'

Ned having his 'afternoon rest'

My new Frankie magazine

My view when I did the dishes.

The jam article, complete with cute stickers!

The cider article.

Feet up, with a cup of tea - deluxe!

Sounds like it was written for me!

Ava's self portrait with play dough!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, Ill have to check that magazine out. Do you buy it from the newsagency or a craft store?
    Ava looks adorable in her shrek ears, I love it!
