Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Over the Weekend

 The weekend started with an early morning trip to collect wood.  The crisp air of Autumn is making for some cool evenings in front of the fire.  It was time start the firewood stockpile again, now that most of the snakes have (hopefully) migrated!  It was very satisfying to see it all split and stacked.
We spent some time all together in the garden, planting out autumn and winter crops - broccoli, lettuce, spinach and cauliflower. We harvested some of our lovely beetroot to make a lovely, healthy (and interesting looking!) cake from this book and also baked some of our no knead bread.
I also spent some time sewing - a skirt for Ava which unfortunately turned out to be too big! and started cutting out a dress from a pattern that I picked up from the op shop for 50 cents!
It was a lovely family weekend at home - restful, quality time together.   

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a busy but enjoyable weekend! Loving that fabric on your girl's skirt!! Too cute!
