Monday, 19 December 2011

Over the Weekend

It was lovely to spend the weekend at home.  A calm, quiet and peaceful weekend before the merriment of Christmas takes over.  We baked, sewed and spent time in the garden harvesting the first of our cherries which was so exciting as they really are my favourite fruit.  When they are picked straight from the tree, they taste of sunshine.
Our new dexter cows were very interested in Phil whilst he worked in the orchard, hoping for a little offering.  Our chook was also keen to check out what was happening indoors and stayed at the front door for some time (much to Ned's disgust as the doormat is no place for a chook!)
The little Plymouth Rock chooks that we bought as day old chicks have well and truly grown up now and were busy foraging in the jungle like berry canes.  My herb garden is also starting to take off with all the rain and warm weather we've been having.  
Ava and Phil rode to kinder (and work) in the bike trailer.  Phil was working pretty hard with the extra weight on the back whilst Ava sat back and relaxed, enjoying her afternoon tea on a pleasant afternoon! 
Safari, our goat and the sheep have now moved to greener pastures for the Christmas break.  The sky was just stunning the other night too.
I hope you had a relaxing weekend.

1 comment:

  1. such gorgeous shots! I absolutely adore that first picture!
